»At first glance the Volvo XC90 communicates driving comfort and follows the demand for unconditional safety. Impressive features are its innovative safety package, including an auto brake assistant for intersections and the special passenger protection in case the car runs off the road. The design successfully balances an appearance of motorised power and dynamic, elegant lines. A design that is also entirely reflected in the interior.«

》》沃尔沃全新XC90上市 售价79.8-101.78万《《

法拉利FXX K
»As a further development derived from the LaFerrari high-performance racing car, complemented by a further refinement of all elements, the Ferrari FXX K showcases an appearance of extreme dynamics that embodies true novelty. An engaging design has developed a car whose tremendous engine power is striking at first sight. Impressive is also the visually well-defined interplay between interior and exterior. The Ferrari FXX K is perfectly balanced and delivers a sensational driving experience.«
作为高性能跑车LaFerrari的进阶版本,法拉利FXX K在许多细节上都更加完善,展现出了极致的动感。其外观设计使人一眼就能够看出其内在的强劲动力。车身与内饰在视觉上的完美结合更是让人印象深刻。这款法拉利FXX K给人以前所未有的驾乘体验。

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